I am pleased to announce that we have confirmed that the Bebbs will be coming to Winnipeg April 18th to give us a full day program!!! They are an extraordinary world class talent and are acclaimed as one of the ten best wedding photographers on the planet! They are also "lifestyle portraiture" artists so will be able to give great information to those who do not specialize in wedding portraiture. We have been working on this for weeks and I wanted to get the news out so you can reserve your time that day now. The venue and cost are being hashed out now and will be published as soon as we get those details in place. You can check out their cool blog at
http://www.bebbblog.com/ or their website at
We will be making an effort this year to hold a few social events that are not "strictly business". Members of the board felt it would be great to have a time and place to mix and interact with our collegues, whether they are members of our ass'n. or not. We would love to see you all at this kind of casual event where you can talk shop, talk about your kids or whatever you like. The first event like this will be held March 1st at the King's Head Pub in Winnipeg. You can expect to see members there anytime after 7:30 to 8 pm and we will have our own room. Stay as long as you like, play some darts, raise a pint and make or renew some friendships! Hope to see you there.
We hope to publish most of the rest of the year's events very soon so stay tuned!
thanks, Ken Frazer MPA F.Ph.
President PPOC-MB