Sunday, February 28, 2010

March Social Event!

Kings Head Pub

Monday March 1-2010

6:30 Social Night

Our first social event that is not "strictly business" is Monday night. Members of the board felt it would be great to have a time and place to mix and interact with our colleagues, whether they are members of our ass'n. or not. We would love to see you all at this kind of casual event where you can talk shop, talk about your kids or whatever you like. The first event like this will be held March 1st at the King's Head Pub in Winnipeg. You can expect to see members there anytime after 7:00 pm and we will have our own room. Stay as long as you like, play some darts, raise a pint and make or renew some friendships! Please send out this invite to photographers who are no longer members, or never been a member…all are welcome!Hope to see you there.

Remember to keep checking out our blog, (learn about RRS Feeds), so you only need to see the blog when there are updates. We have all the dates written in with events going into 2011, so make sure you mark down all these dates:

So come join fellow photographers for an informal social night at the Kings Head Pub. Check out the venue below, if you would like to come out for dinner or refreshments. (your tab)

Catch up with members you haven’t seen for awhile, and/or participate in a fun event

“Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask.”

(In five minutes or less!)

Should you wish to participate in this event, the basic rules are as follows:

  1. Decide do you want to be a “Questioner” or the “Questionee.” (not sure if that is a word, but it works here…I think)
  2. If you are a Questionee, you will sit at a different table from the other Questionees…(we will only need about 4 Questionees)
  3. You will be the wearer of a proud ASK ME sign.
  4. Sit back enjoy a few drinks, and be prepared for the “Questioner”
  5. If you are the Questioner, you can spend 5 minutes with any “Questionee” and ask them

“anything you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask” Remember you want to try to find out as much as you can in 5 minutes, you can come back, but the key is 5 minutes. Bring your note pad and pens, and lots of questions! Should be fun !!